Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Seventeen, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. credit
  2. canyon
  3. crack
  4. creek
  5. critters
  6. formation
  7. identity
  8. metamorphic
  9. sediment
  10. igneous
  1. quartz
  2. granite
  3. pumice
  4. calcite
  5. mica
  6. codes
  7. regulations
  8. government
  9. tribal
  10. reservation
Letter Patterns

Several words from this list contain words within words. Here are a few:

	credit			crayon			formation

	granite			pumice			tribal

Many words from this list have an "i" as of the last four letters:

	credit			formation		identify

	metamorphic		granite			pumice

	calcite			mica			reservation

	tribal			regulations

One word from the list contains three vowels in a row:


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