Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Seventeen, Lesson Three: Prefixes: Mis and Mal

  1. credit
  2. canyon
  3. crack
  4. creek
  5. critters
  6. formation
  7. identity
  8. metamorphic
  9. sediment
  10. igneous
  1. quartz
  2. granite
  3. pumice
  4. calcite
  5. mica
  6. codes
  7. regulations
  8. government
  9. tribal
  10. reservation
Prefixes: Mis and Mal

Here are some words which begin with the mis- prefix:

	misbehave			misspell		miscount

	mislead				misfortune		misjudge

	misinform			mismatch		misfire

The prefix mis- means bad or wrong or incorrect.

Here are some of the meanings for words beginning with the mis- prefix.

	misspell - to spell a word incorrectly

	mismatch - a bad match

	misjudge - to judge incorrectly

	miscount - to count incorrectly

	misbehave - to behave badly

	misinform - to wrongly inform

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