Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Seventeen, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. credit
  2. canyon
  3. crack
  4. creek
  5. critters
  6. formation
  7. identity
  8. metamorphic
  9. sediment
  10. igneous
  1. quartz
  2. granite
  3. pumice
  4. calcite
  5. mica
  6. codes
  7. regulations
  8. government
  9. tribal
  10. reservation
Letter Patterns

This list contains several words with the cr- letter pattern. Here are some more words with the cr- letter pattern:

	crust			creature		crab

	recreation		crib			crystal

	crater			crew			crow

The cr- letter pattern is often found at the beginning of words.

Another letter pattern which occurs several times in this list is the re- letter pattern. Here are some more words containing this letter pattern:

	reinstate		recreation		reserve

	tree			green			read

	care			stare			bore

The -re letter pattern can occur anywhere in a word.

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