Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Sixteen, Lesson Five: Unit Review

  1. bribe
  2. tribe
  3. give
  4. strive
  5. alive
  6. electric
  7. charge
  8. volts
  9. generate
  10. alternative
  1. poles
  2. rural
  3. dwell
  4. village
  5. town
  6. council
  7. local
  8. municipal
  9. distance
  10. services

The anti- prefix means against or not.

	antiwar --> against war

	antisocial --> not social

	antinuclear --> against the use of nuclear power

	antidote  -->  against a poison or sickness

	antibacterial --> against bacteria

	antifreeze --> protects against freezing

The non- prefix means not.

	nonfiction --> not fiction

	nonsense --> does not make sense

	nonstop --> without stopping

	nonverbal --> without words

	nonliving --> not living

	nonlocal --> not local

Multiple Meanings

Many words can have more than one meaning. Consider the word light. Light can refer to weight (as in "The package was light.") or it can refer to an appliance (as in "Would you please turn on the light.") or it can refer to the color of something (as in "She had light brown hair."). Here are some more words with multiple meanings.

	the area next to a building or house
	three feet

	to fool around and have fun
	a skit or theatrical production

Here are a couple more examples:

	as in an electrical charge
	as in running toward someone or something
	as in paying for something with a credit card

	as in the North Pole and the South Pole
	as in thin sticks of wood or metal which hold up a tent

	as in a round object traveling down a hill
	as in a bread-like food item

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