Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Sixteen, Lesson Three: Prefixes: Anti and Non

  1. bribe
  2. tribe
  3. give
  4. strive
  5. alive
  6. electric
  7. charge
  8. volts
  9. generate
  10. alternative
  1. poles
  2. rural
  3. dwell
  4. village
  5. town
  6. council
  7. local
  8. municipal
  9. distance
  10. services
Prefixes: Anti and Non

Here are some words which begin with the non- prefix:

	nonfiction		nonsense		nonstop

	nonverbal		nonliving		nonlocal

The non- prefix means not.

	nonfiction --> not fiction

	nonsense --> does not make sense

	nonstop --> without stopping

	nonverbal --> without words

	nonliving --> not living

	nonlocal --> not local

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