Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Sixteen, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. bribe
  2. tribe
  3. give
  4. strive
  5. alive
  6. electric
  7. charge
  8. volts
  9. generate
  10. alternative
  1. poles
  2. rural
  3. dwell
  4. village
  5. town
  6. council
  7. local
  8. municipal
  9. distance
  10. services
Letter Patterns

Two words from this list have four syllables:

	mu-ni-ci-pal			al-ter-na-tive

Several words on this list end with the letter l:

	rural			dwell			council

	local			municipal

Another six words contain an l:

	alive			electric		volts

	alternative		poles			village

That makes eleven words which contain an l.

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