Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Sixteen, Lesson Three: Prefixes: Anti and Non

  1. bribe
  2. tribe
  3. give
  4. strive
  5. alive
  6. electric
  7. charge
  8. volts
  9. generate
  10. alternative
  1. poles
  2. rural
  3. dwell
  4. village
  5. town
  6. council
  7. local
  8. municipal
  9. distance
  10. services
Prefixes: Anti and Non

Here are some words which begin with the anti- prefix:

	antiwar			antisocial		antinuclear

	antidote		antibacterial		antifreeze

The anti- prefix means against or not.

	antiwar --> against war

	antisocial --> not social

	antinuclear --> against the use of nuclear power

	antidote  -->  against a poison or sickness

	antibacterial --> against bacteria

	antifreeze --> protects against freezing

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