Language Arts Grade Five
Unit Sixteen, Lesson Two: Nouns and Verbs
- bribe
- tribe
- give
- strive
- alive
- electric
- charge
- volts
- generate
- alternative
- poles
- rural
- dwell
- village
- town
- council
- local
- municipal
- distance
- services
Nouns and Verbs
As you will recall a noun is a word which names a person, place, or thing. A
verb is word which names an action which can be performed by a noun. Here
are some words which are usually nouns:
piano tribe village
tree town council
Here are some words which are usually verbs:
give take bake
drink think speak
throw serve bribe
Often a word can be used as either a verb or a noun. To know which way it is
being used, you must look at the context in which it appears:
Jill served the juice to the small children.
Jill will juice the oranges.
The word juice appears in both sentences. In the first sentence it is used
as a noun. In the second sentence it is used as a verb.
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