Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Sixteen, Lesson Two: Nouns and Verbs

  1. bribe
  2. tribe
  3. give
  4. strive
  5. alive
  6. electric
  7. charge
  8. volts
  9. generate
  10. alternative
  1. poles
  2. rural
  3. dwell
  4. village
  5. town
  6. council
  7. local
  8. municipal
  9. distance
  10. services
Nouns and Verbs

As you will recall a noun is a word which names a person, place, or thing. A verb is word which names an action which can be performed by a noun. Here are some words which are usually nouns:

	piano			tribe			village

	tree			town			council

Here are some words which are usually verbs:

	give			take			bake

	drink			think			speak

	throw			serve			bribe

Often a word can be used as either a verb or a noun. To know which way it is being used, you must look at the context in which it appears:

	Jill served the juice to the small children.

	Jill will juice the oranges.

The word juice appears in both sentences. In the first sentence it is used as a noun. In the second sentence it is used as a verb.

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