Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Fifteen, Lesson Five: Unit Review

  1. worm
  2. ferment
  3. firm
  4. swarm
  5. storm
  6. border
  7. boundary
  8. outside
  9. entrance
  10. clarify
  1. happened
  2. language
  3. beautiful
  4. understand
  5. complete
  6. classify
  7. group
  8. category
  9. similar
  10. identify

Acronyms are like initializations except that the initials are said as a word instead of as a series of letters.

First, here are some initializations:

	FBI: Federal Bureau of Investication

	UFO: unidentified flying object

	BLM: Bureau of Land Management

Here are some acronyms:

	NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization

	SWAT: Special Weapons Action Team

	SNAFU: situation normal, all fouled up

	PIN: Personal Identification Number

	SCUBA:  Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus

	AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

	NASA: National Aeronatics and Space Administration

Acronyms are more or less the same sort of thing. The difference is that with initializations the letters are said separately and with acronyms the letters are said as a word.

Prefixes: Tele- and Retro-

The prefix tele- means distant over or from. Here are some words which begin with the tele- prefix:

	telephone		telegraph		television

	teletype		telecast		telecommunication

	telescope		telegram		telepathy

The prefix retro- means back, backward, or behind. Here are some words which begin with the retro- prefix:

	retroactive		retrorocket		retrofire

	retrospect		retrograde		retrolingual

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