Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Fifteen, Lesson Four: Prefixes: Tele and Retro

  1. worm
  2. ferment
  3. firm
  4. swarm
  5. storm
  6. border
  7. boundary
  8. outside
  9. entrance
  10. clarify
  1. happened
  2. language
  3. beautiful
  4. understand
  5. complete
  6. classify
  7. group
  8. category
  9. similar
  10. identify
Prefixes: Tele and Retro

There are many words which begin with the retro- prefix:

	retroactive		retrorocket		retrofire

	retrospect		retrograde		retrolingual

The retro- prefix means back, backward, or behind.

Here are some of these words beginning with the retro- prefix and their meanings:

	retrograde --> moving backwards

	retroactive --> made active as of a date in the past

	retrorocket --> rocket which fires backwards (for deceleration)

	retrolingual --> located behind the base of the tongue

	retrospect --> to look backwards

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