Language Arts Grade Five
Unit Fifteen, Lesson Three: Acronyms
- worm
- ferment
- firm
- swarm
- storm
- border
- boundary
- outside
- entrance
- clarify
- happened
- language
- beautiful
- understand
- complete
- classify
- group
- category
- similar
- identify
Acronyms are very much like abbreviations. Here are some examples:
PIN: Personal Identification Number
SCUBA: Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
NASA: National Aeronatics and Space Administration
The special thing about acronyms is that instead of saying the letters
separately (as in N-A-S-A), you say them as a word or a name (as in NASA).
Here are a few more examples:
RAM: Random-Access Memory
ROM: Read-Only Memory
AWOL: Absent WithOut Leave
OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Acronyms are always written as all capitals.
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