Language Arts Grade Five
Unit Fifteen, Lesson One: Letter Patterns
- worm
- ferment
- firm
- swarm
- storm
- border
- boundary
- outside
- entrance
- clarify
- happened
- language
- beautiful
- understand
- complete
- classify
- group
- category
- similar
- identify
Letter Patterns
This list contains several words with the rm- letter pattern.
Here are some more words with the -rm letter pattern:
squirm permanent dormatory
terminal germ farming
normal warm form
The -rm letter pattern is always at the end of a word or in the middle of
a word. You won't find any normal words that begin with rm.
Another letter pattern which occurs several times in this list is the -fy
letter pattern. Here are some more words containing this letter pattern:
certify signify quantify
The -fy letter pattern usually occurs at the end of a word.
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