Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Fifteen, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. worm
  2. ferment
  3. firm
  4. swarm
  5. storm
  6. border
  7. boundary
  8. outside
  9. entrance
  10. clarify
  1. happened
  2. language
  3. beautiful
  4. understand
  5. complete
  6. classify
  7. group
  8. category
  9. similar
  10. identify
Letter Patterns

This list contains several words with the rm- letter pattern. Here are some more words with the -rm letter pattern:

	squirm			permanent		dormatory

	terminal		germ			farming
	normal			warm			form

The -rm letter pattern is always at the end of a word or in the middle of a word. You won't find any normal words that begin with rm.

Another letter pattern which occurs several times in this list is the -fy letter pattern. Here are some more words containing this letter pattern:

	certify			signify			quantify


The -fy letter pattern usually occurs at the end of a word.

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