Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Fourteen, Lesson Five: Unit Review

  1. common
  2. computer
  3. compass
  4. commute
  5. company
  6. display
  7. exhibit
  8. unearth
  9. diggings
  10. ancient
  1. sentence
  2. against
  3. usually
  4. remember
  5. shall
  6. dinosaur
  7. chlorophyll
  8. sunlight
  9. energy
  10. process
Confused Words

Near homophones and near homographs are the two categories of words which are likely to be confused (other than true homophones). It stands to reason that if a word looks or sounds similar to another word that it is likely to be confused with the other word. Remember that homophones are words which sound the same and that homographs are words which are spelled the same (but are pronounced differently and have different meanings).

	than/then			farther/further

	quiet/quit/quite		loose/lose

	empire/umpire			desert/dessert

	your/you're			personal/personnel

	medal/metal			human/humane

	fury/furry			device/devise

	dairy/diary			soup/soap

Most of these words are confusing because they differ by only one or a few letters. They look very similar and they also can sometimes sound similar also and so it is easy to mistake one word for another.
	advice/advise			casual/causal

	coma/comma			a lot/allot

	are/our				angle/angel

	cease/seize			choose/chose

	costume/custom			unit/unite


The prefix ex- means out of, beyond, or from. Here are a few words which begin with the ex- prefix:

	express			exceed			exhaust

	excuse			exhale			explain

	export			extract			extreme
The prefix extra- means outside or beyond. Here are some words which begin with the prefix extra:
	extraterrestrial	extravagant		extrasensory

	extraneous		extraordinary		extracurricular

The prefixes in- and im- mean in or not. Here are a few words which begin with the in- and im- prefixes:
	impossible		impatient		import

	incorrect		invisible		inhale

	incomplete		insane			incapable

The prefix inter- means among, between, or from one to another. Here are some words which begin with the prefix intra:
	interrupt		intermission		interval

	intercept		interstate		international

	interpret		interact		interaction

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