Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Fourteen, Lesson Four: Previxes: In, Im, and Inter

  1. common
  2. computer
  3. compass
  4. commute
  5. company
  6. display
  7. exhibit
  8. unearth
  9. diggings
  10. ancient
  1. sentence
  2. against
  3. usually
  4. remember
  5. shall
  6. dinosaur
  7. chlorophyll
  8. sunlight
  9. energy
  10. process
Prefixes: In, Im, and Inter

The prefixes in- and im- mean in or not. Here are a few words which begin with the in- and im- prefixes:

	impossible		impatient		import

	incorrect		invisible		inhale

	incomplete		insane			incapable
The meaning of most of these words is easy to figure out from their base words:

	im + possible --> not possible

	im + patient --> not patient

	in + correct --> not correct

	in + sane --> not sane (in other words: crazy)

	in + visible --> not visible

	in + complete --> not complete

The prefix inter- means among, between, or from one to another. Here are some words which begin with the prefix intra:

	interrupt		intermission		interval

	intercept		interstate		international

	interpret		interact		interaction

Here are the basic meanings of some of these words:

	inter + rupt --> disrupt interaction

	inter + action --> action between two subjects

	inter + state --> between two states

	inter + national --> between two nations

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