Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Fourteen, Lesson Two: Blended Words

  1. common
  2. computer
  3. compass
  4. commute
  5. company
  6. display
  7. exhibit
  8. unearth
  9. diggings
  10. ancient
  1. sentence
  2. against
  3. usually
  4. remember
  5. shall
  6. dinosaur
  7. chlorophyll
  8. sunlight
  9. energy
  10. process
Blended Words

There's a long word for blended words: portmanteau words. Here are some more examples:

	slop + slush = slosh

	smack + mash = smash

	squirm + wiggle = squiggle

	chunk + lump = clump

	chuckle + snort = chortle

	binary + digit = bit

	flame + glare = flare

	twist + whirl = twirl

	television + marathon = telethon

	splash + spatter = splatter

	fare + thee + well = farewell

	motor + pedal = moped

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