Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Fourteen, Lesson Four: Previxes: Ex and Extra

  1. common
  2. computer
  3. compass
  4. commute
  5. company
  6. display
  7. exhibit
  8. unearth
  9. diggings
  10. ancient
  1. sentence
  2. against
  3. usually
  4. remember
  5. shall
  6. dinosaur
  7. chlorophyll
  8. sunlight
  9. energy
  10. process
Prefixes: Ex and Extra

The prefix ex- means out of, beyond, or from. Here are a few words which begin with the ex- prefix:

	express			exceed			exhaust

	excuse			exhale			explain

	export			extract			extreme
It is difficult to break most of these words into a prefix and a meaningful root since most of these have root words which are not meaningful in English (for instance, what does "haust" mean?). However, many of these words have antonyms which are easily recognized:

	exhale/inhale --> breathing out and breathing in

	export/import --> sending and receiving products

The prefix extra- means outside or beyond. Here are some words which begin with the prefix extra:

	extraterrestrial	extravagant		extrasensory

	extraneous		extraordinary		extracurricular

Most of these words have recognizeable root words:

	extra + ordinary --> beyond the ordinary

	extra + curricular --> outside of the regular curricular activities

	extra + sensory  --> beyond the usual senses

	extra + terrestrial --> outside of this planet

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