Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Fourteen, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. common
  2. computer
  3. compass
  4. commute
  5. company
  6. display
  7. exhibit
  8. unearth
  9. diggings
  10. ancient
  1. sentence
  2. against
  3. usually
  4. remember
  5. shall
  6. dinosaur
  7. chlorophyll
  8. sunlight
  9. energy
  10. process
Letter Patterns

This list contains several words with the com- letter pattern. Here are some more words with the com- letter pattern:

	comet			come			comb

	complaint		combine			compact

	complicate		comfort			communication
The com- letter pattern is almost always at the beginning of a word unless a prefix is added to a word beginning with the com- letter pattern, as is the case with discomfort.

Another letter pattern which occurs several times in this list is the -en letter pattern. Here are some more words containing this letter pattern:

	entire			reinvent		enter

	enterprise		enliven			widen

The -en letter pattern can occur anywhere in a word.

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