Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Thirteen, Lesson Three: Unit Review

  1. hard
  2. burden
  3. bird
  4. third
  5. sword
  6. root
  7. stem
  8. leave
  9. tube
  10. vascular
  1. another
  2. different
  3. because
  4. something
  5. important
  6. continent
  7. connect
  8. railroad
  9. golden
  10. spike
Letter Patterns

The following words from the list each contain the -rd letter pattern:

	hard			burden			bird

	third			sword			

The following words from the list are monosyllabic:

	hard			bird			third

	sword			root			stem

	leave			tube			spike

Proper Adjectives

Many proper nouns can also be converted to proper adjectives. Here are a few examples:

	  Mexico			  Mexican
	  Canada			  Canadian
	  France			  French
	  Germany			  German
	  Poland			  Polish
	  Ireland			  Irish

Here are some proper adjectives used in sentences:

  The French mineral water is supposed to be healthy.

  My friend has a case of the Asian flu.

  Jane owns an African thumb piano.

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