Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Thirteen, Lesson Four: Prefixes: Mono and Bi

  1. hard
  2. burden
  3. bird
  4. third
  5. sword
  6. root
  7. stem
  8. leave
  9. tube
  10. vascular
  1. another
  2. different
  3. because
  4. something
  5. important
  6. continent
  7. connect
  8. railroad
  9. golden
  10. spike
Prefixes: Mono and Bi

Recall that a prefix is a group of letters which can be added to the beginning of a word. A prefix changes the meaning of the word. Prefixes have meanings. Here are some words which begin with "mono".

	monorail		monopoly		monotone

	monograph		monologue		monosyllabic
	monolith		monotony		monomania

The prefix mono means one or single. So adding the prefix mono to a word means that we are talking about one of the root word. Here are a few examples:

  monorail - one rail

  monopoly - exclusive control of a market by one company

  monolith - a single great stone often marking an important location

  monologue - a sketch or scene from a play performed by one actor

  monosyllabic - a word with only one syllable

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