Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Twelve, Lesson Five: Unit Review

  1. bright
  2. sight
  3. fight
  4. light
  5. tight
  6. chew
  7. swallow
  8. diet
  9. hungry
  10. appetite
  1. desire
  2. nutrient
  3. vitamin
  4. prospect
  5. claim
  6. stomach
  7. intestine
  8. digestion
  9. abdomen
  10. invest
Letter Patterns

This unit contains several words which contain the -ght letter pattern:

	bright			sight 			fight

	light			tight

Another letter pattern which is used many times in this list is the -in letter pattern:

	invest			vitamin			intestine


Words which must be capitalized include:

  1. proper nouns
    	Jill			Utah			Nevada
    	Elko			Las Vegas		Boundary Peak
  2. titles
    	My aunt's son is Cousin Harry.
    	We just heard a speech by President Smith.
  3. the first word of a direct quote
    	Sam said, "My rat is sick!"
  4. the first word of a sentence
    	This is a sentence.

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