Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Twelve, Lesson Three: Helping Verbs

  1. bright
  2. sight
  3. fight
  4. light
  5. tight
  6. chew
  7. swallow
  8. diet
  9. hungry
  10. appetite
  1. desire
  2. nutrient
  3. vitamin
  4. prospect
  5. claim
  6. stomach
  7. intestine
  8. digestion
  9. abdomen
  10. invest
Helping Verbs

Helping verbs can be used by themselves or in combination with other verbs. Here are a bunch of helping verbs:

	am	is	are	was	were
	could	shall	will	being	be

	may	can	might	would	should

	did	do	had	has	have

Here are a few examples of these words in action:

	We can go after you finish your work.

	Jill is working, so don't disturb her.

	Jack has been sick this last week.

Helping verbs are usually used in combination with a regular verb. Here are a few more examples:

  They will leave soon.

  The dogs are barking at the moon.

  I am tired already.

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