Language Arts Grade Five
Unit Twelve, Lesson Three: Helping Verbs
- bright
- sight
- fight
- light
- tight
- chew
- swallow
- diet
- hungry
- appetite
- desire
- nutrient
- vitamin
- prospect
- claim
- stomach
- intestine
- digestion
- abdomen
- invest
Helping Verbs
Helping verbs can be used by themselves or in combination with other verbs.
Here are a bunch of helping verbs:
am is are was were
could shall will being be
may can might would should
did do had has have
Here are a few examples of these words in action:
We can go after you finish your work.
Jill is working, so don't disturb her.
Jack has been sick this last week.
Helping verbs are usually used in combination with a regular verb. Here are
a few more examples:
They will leave soon.
The dogs are barking at the moon.
I am tired already.
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