Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Twelve, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. bright
  2. sight
  3. fight
  4. light
  5. tight
  6. chew
  7. swallow
  8. diet
  9. hungry
  10. appetite
  1. desire
  2. nutrient
  3. vitamin
  4. prospect
  5. claim
  6. stomach
  7. intestine
  8. digestion
  9. abdomen
  10. invest
Letter Patterns

This list contains several words with the -ght letter pattern. Here are some more words with the -ght letter pattern:

	freight			straight		flight

	night			might			faught

	taught			height			weight
Isn't it interesting that the past tense of fight is faught, but that the present tense of taught is not tight?

The -ght letter pattern is most likely to be found at the end of a word, but it also appears in the middle of words such as frighten.

Two interesting words to compare are:

	chew			stomach

Each contains the -ch letter pattern, but it comes at the front of one word and at the end of the other.

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