Language Arts Grade Five
Unit Ten, Lesson One: Letter Patterns
- band
- stand
- random
- ground
- sound
- ignore
- vine
- vivid
- visit
- vista
- panoramic
- view
- altitude
- scenic
- trail
- organic
- dioxide
- national
- forest
- crest
Letter Patterns
This list contains several words with the -nd letter pattern.
Here are some more words with the -nd letter pattern:
spend friend ending
under hound trend
pond grand grind
The -nd letter pattern is most likely to be found at the end of a word, but
it also appears in the middle of words.
Another letter pattern which is found a few times in this list is the -vi
letter pattern. Here are some words not in the list which contain the -vi
letter pattern:
vivacious viscious victim
vice versa victory vicinity
livid television device
The -vi letter pattern most often appears at the beginning of words, but it
can also appear at the beginning of a syllable within a word.
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