Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Ten, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. band
  2. stand
  3. random
  4. ground
  5. sound
  6. ignore
  7. vine
  8. vivid
  9. visit
  10. vista
  1. panoramic
  2. view
  3. altitude
  4. scenic
  5. trail
  6. organic
  7. dioxide
  8. national
  9. forest
  10. crest
Letter Patterns

This list contains several words with the -nd letter pattern. Here are some more words with the -nd letter pattern:

	spend		friend		ending

	under		hound		trend

	pond		grand		grind

The -nd letter pattern is most likely to be found at the end of a word, but it also appears in the middle of words.

Another letter pattern which is found a few times in this list is the -vi letter pattern. Here are some words not in the list which contain the -vi letter pattern:

	vivacious		viscious		victim

	vice versa		victory			vicinity

	livid			television		device

The -vi letter pattern most often appears at the beginning of words, but it can also appear at the beginning of a syllable within a word.

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