Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Nine, Lesson Four: Addresses

  1. plant
  2. chant
  3. hunt
  4. hint
  5. winter
  6. spent
  7. liquid
  8. substance
  9. solid
  10. sugar
  1. helium
  2. unidentified
  3. flying
  4. object
  5. space
  6. hoax
  7. area
  8. saucer
  9. alien
  10. landing

Here's another address for you to take a look at:

	Jimmy Smith
	12777 Figuora Avenue
	Trona, CA   93562

The CA in this address stands for California.

Here are a few more two-letter state name abbreviations:

	CA -> California		ID -> Idaho

	NV -> Nevada			UT -> Utah

	MT -> Montana			WY -> Wyoming

	AZ -> Arizona			NM -> New Mexico

	CO -> Colorado			ME -> Maine

	TX -> Texas			FL -> Florida

	AK -> Alaska			HI -> Hawaii

	IN -> Indiana			NE -> Nebraska

	OR -> Oregon			WA -> Washington

	SD -> South Dakota		WI -> Wisconsin

	NJ -> New Jersey		AL -> Alabama

	AR -> Arkansas			KS -> Kansas

	KY -> Kentucky			TN -> Tennessee

	VA -> Virginia			WV -> West Virginia

	SC -> South Carolina		RI -> Rhode Island

	PA -> Pennsylvania		OK -> Oklahoma

	OH -> Ohio			ND -> North Dakota

	NC -> North Carolina		NY -> New York

	MO -> Missouri			MS -> Mississippi

	MA -> massachusetts		MD -> Maryland

	IA -> Iowa			IL -> Illinois

	GA -> Georgia			DE -> Delaware

	AL -> Alabama			CT -> Connecticut

	NH -> New Hampshire		VT -> Vermont

	RI -> Rhode Island		MN -> Minnesota

As you probably realize, there are fifty states in the United States. The providences and territories in Canada also have two-letter abbreviations. For instance, the two-letter postal abbreviation for Saskatchewan is SK and the two-letter postal abbreviation for Nova Scotia is NS.

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