Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Nine, Lesson Four: Addresses

  1. plant
  2. chant
  3. hunt
  4. hint
  5. winter
  6. spent
  7. liquid
  8. substance
  9. solid
  10. sugar
  1. helium
  2. unidentified
  3. flying
  4. object
  5. space
  6. hoax
  7. area
  8. saucer
  9. alien
  10. landing

A typical address that you might put on an envelope in order to send a letter to someone looks something like this:

	Jill Smith
	69330 Maple Lane
	Elko, NV   80003

The first line of the address is the name of the person who is supposed to get the letter. The second line is the street address of this person. The last line contains the city, state, and zip code of the person the letter is being sent to. NV, by the way, stands for Nevada.

Here's another quick example:

	Jack Jones
	770 Norton Street, Appt B
	Jackson, CA   83434

According to this address, Jack lives in apartment B on 770 Norton Street in Jackson, Oklahoma. The zip codes on this page are made up, but zip codes normallly have five digits. CA, by the way, stands for California.

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