Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Nine, Lesson Two: Adjectives

  1. plant
  2. chant
  3. hunt
  4. hint
  5. winter
  6. spent
  7. liquid
  8. substance
  9. solid
  10. sugar
  1. helium
  2. unidentified
  3. flying
  4. object
  5. space
  6. hoax
  7. area
  8. saucer
  9. alien
  10. landing

Adjectives provide descriptive information about a noun. For instance, the following words are all descriptive adjectives:

	tall		small		mean

	tiny		solid		sweet

	cold		wet		enormous

Adjectives have additional forms called comparative and superlative. Here are some examples:

	  tall		  taller		  tallest
	  small		  smaller		  smallest
	  mean		  meaner		  meanest
	  tiny		  tinier		  tiniest
	  sweet		  sweeter		  sweetest
	  cold		  colder		  coldest
	  wet		  wetter		  wettest

You probably noticed that two words from the first batch of words were not included in the second batch of words. This is because they don't actually have comparative or superlative forms. For these words the modifiers more and most must be used:


	 solid		 more solid		 most solid
	 enormous	 more enormous		 most enormous

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