Language Arts Grade Five
Unit Eight, Lesson Three: Prepositions
- cake
- lake
- shake
- brake
- fake
- stake
- period
- table
- rows
- column
- elements
- chemical
- property
- express
- pouch
- mail
- carried
- stage
- post
- office
Prepositons are sometimes called location words, but they can help to
explain other kinds or relationships between words. Here are a few examples:
Jill laughed during the movie.
The peach rolled until it hit the wall.
They haven't eaten since the last stop.
As you can see prepositions can also be used to help explain when something
happens. Prepositions which help to explain when include:
during until since
after before following
Here are a few more commonly used prepositions:
behind between since
to underneath upon
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