Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Eight, Lesson Five: Unit Review

  1. cake
  2. lake
  3. shake
  4. brake
  5. fake
  6. stake
  7. period
  8. table
  9. rows
  10. column
  1. elements
  2. chemical
  3. property
  4. express
  5. pouch
  6. mail
  7. carried
  8. stage
  9. post
  10. office
Letter Patterns

This list contains several words with the -ake letter pattern:

	cake		lake		shake

	brake		fake		stake

As you can see the -ake letter pattern is most likely to be found at the end of a word.

Another letter pattern which is found a few times in this list is the -st letter pattern:

	stake		stage		post

As you can see the -st letter pattern can come anywhere in a word.

Verb Tense

Here are some rules for adding -s to a verb:

	    Use on words which end with Y like: carry/carries, hurry/hurries
	    But not on words like: play/plays, annoy/annoys

	2. ADD -ES
	    Use on words which end with ss, ch, x, or sh: reach/reaches, fix/fixes
	    NOTE: You must add -es to go.

	    Use on most words like: jump/jumps, drink/drinks

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