Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Eight, Lesson Four: Abbreviations

  1. cake
  2. lake
  3. shake
  4. brake
  5. fake
  6. stake
  7. period
  8. table
  9. rows
  10. column
  1. elements
  2. chemical
  3. property
  4. express
  5. pouch
  6. mail
  7. carried
  8. stage
  9. post
  10. office

Abbreviations are shortened forms of words. Here are a few common abbreviations that you are likely to see:


	 Mister			 Mr.
	 Doctor			 Dr.
	 Junior			 Jr.
	 Road			 Rd.
	 Avenue			 Ave.
	 Street			 St.
For the examples shown above, you probably see the abbreviation more often than you see the full word. This shows how useful and widely used abbreviations are.

Here are some more common abbreviations:


	 etcetera		 etc
	 words per minute	 wpm
	 junction		 jct
	 railroad		 RR
	 canyon			 cyn
	 valley			 vly
	 point			 pt
	 synonym		 syn
	 antonym		 ant
	 amount			 amt
	 abbreviation		 abbr
	 especially		 esp

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