Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Seven, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. work
  2. shark
  3. spark
  4. dark
  5. bark
  6. cork
  7. salt
  8. metal
  9. sodium
  10. chloride
  1. potassium
  2. fertilizer
  3. irrigation
  4. crops
  5. cattle
  6. harvest
  7. alfalfa
  8. storage
  9. sheep
  10. grazing
Letter Patterns

This list contains four words with double letters:

	potassium		irrigation		cattle


A few words from the list have an "i" in their last three letters:

	chloride		irrigation		sodium

	potassium		grazing

Two of these words which contain an "i" in their last three letters, do not contain the "i" in their last syllable:

	sod-i-um		pot-as-si-um

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