Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Seven, Lesson Five: Unit Review

  1. work
  2. shark
  3. spark
  4. dark
  5. bark
  6. cork
  7. salt
  8. metal
  9. sodium
  10. chloride
  1. potassium
  2. fertilizer
  3. irrigation
  4. crops
  5. cattle
  6. harvest
  7. alfalfa
  8. storage
  9. sheep
  10. grazing
The rk Letter Pattern

This list contains several words with the -rk letter pattern such as:

	work		shark		spark

	dark		bark		cork

The -rk letter pattern is most likely to be found at the end of a word.

Another letter pattern which is found a few times in this list is the -al letter pattern. Here are the words from the list which contain the -al letter pattern:

	alfalfa		salt		metal

As you can see the -al letter pattern can come anywhere in a word. In fact, in the word alfalfa it occurs twice, once at the beginning and once at the end.

Irregular Verbs

As is the case with irregular pluralization of nouns, irregular verbs follow no rules. You just have to learn each individual present tense verb and its past tense form. Here are some more examples:


	  go		  	went
	  swim		  	swam
	  sit		  	sat
	  hold			held 
	  grow		  	grew  
	  eat		  	ate
	  read		  	read 
	  stand		  	stood
	  take		  	took
	  fall			fell

The most interesting of these examples is of read (present) and read (past). These are spelled identically, but pronounced differently. As you will recall such words are called homographs.

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