Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Seven, Lesson Three: Adverbs

  1. work
  2. shark
  3. spark
  4. dark
  5. bark
  6. cork
  7. salt
  8. metal
  9. sodium
  10. chloride
  1. potassium
  2. fertilizer
  3. irrigation
  4. crops
  5. cattle
  6. harvest
  7. alfalfa
  8. storage
  9. sheep
  10. grazing

Adverbs are used to describe how something is done. In other words, they modify a verb. For instance consider the following adverbs and how they might be used with a verb such as "walk".

	slowly		quickly		energetically

	sluggishly	steadily	tirelessly

The adverb helps you to picture how a person is walking. It's not always enough just to say that someone walked. It is often useful to know how they walked. So, adverbs are one way of supplying more details to help the reader to understand what you mean exactly.

Here are a few sentences which contain adverbs. The adverbs are underlined and the verbs are in bold.

	Jill quietly finished her work.

	Jack belligerently argued about the foul.

	Sam the mule stubbornly refused to budge an inch.

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