Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Seven, Lesson Two: Irregular Verbs

  1. work
  2. shark
  3. spark
  4. dark
  5. bark
  6. cork
  7. salt
  8. metal
  9. sodium
  10. chloride
  1. potassium
  2. fertilizer
  3. irrigation
  4. crops
  5. cattle
  6. harvest
  7. alfalfa
  8. storage
  9. sheep
  10. grazing
Irregular Verbs

Many verbs can change be changed to the past tense by simply adding -ed. Here are some examples:


	work			worked
	bark			barked
	fertilize		fertilized
	irrigate		irrigated
	harvest			harvested
	graze			grazed

In the case of the words that end with "e", we just added a "d" to make the word end with -ed.

Some verbs don't work this way. These are called irregular verbs. Here are a few examples:


	run			ran
	build			built
	sing			sang
	tear			tore
	break			broke
	write			wrote

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