Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Seven, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. work
  2. shark
  3. spark
  4. dark
  5. bark
  6. cork
  7. salt
  8. metal
  9. sodium
  10. chloride
  1. potassium
  2. fertilizer
  3. irrigation
  4. crops
  5. cattle
  6. harvest
  7. alfalfa
  8. storage
  9. sheep
  10. grazing
The rk Letter Pattern

This list contains several words with the -rk letter pattern. Here are some more words with the -rk letter pattern:

	lurk		quirk		park

	perk		clerk		spork

That last word is "spork" which is a combination of a fork and a spoon.

As you can see the -rk letter pattern is most likely to be found at the end of a word. It can also wind up in the middle of a word such as "working", but it is pretty much never going to be found at the beginning of a word.

Another letter pattern which is found a few times in this list is the -al letter pattern. Here are the words from the list which contain the -al letter pattern:

	alfalfa		salt		metal

As you can see the -al letter pattern can come anywhere in a word. In fact, in the word alfalfa it occurs twice, once at the beginning and once at the end.

Here are some more words which contain the -al letter pattern:

	Alabama		Alaska		calcium

	Calafornia	Latin		additional

	Oriental	trivial		Ballarat

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