Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Six, Lesson Two: Irregular Plurals

  1. bringing
  2. sitting
  3. writing
  4. running
  5. biting
  6. stinging
  7. biking
  8. national
  9. recreation
  10. hiking
  1. grade
  2. steep
  3. atom
  4. proton
  5. neutron
  6. electron
  7. nucleus
  8. charge
  9. positive
  10. negative
Irregular Plurals

Here's another noun with two options for pluralization:


	option one: octopi

	option two: octopuses (follows the add -es rule)
A couple more examples of irregular pluralization are:

	  phenomenon		  phenomena
	  alga			  algae
	  ox			  oxen

Recall that there are three basic rules for pluralizing nouns:

        1. DROP THE Y AND ADD -IES
            Use on words which end with Y like: city/cities, fly/flies
            But not on words like: boy/boys, bay/bays
        2. ADD -ES
            Use on words which end with ss, ch, x, or sh: peach/peaches
        3. JUST ADD -S
            Use on most words like: dog/dogs, cat/cats, chair/chairs

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