Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Six, Lesson Three: Adjectives

  1. bringing
  2. sitting
  3. writing
  4. running
  5. biting
  6. stinging
  7. biking
  8. national
  9. recreation
  10. hiking
  1. grade
  2. steep
  3. atom
  4. proton
  5. neutron
  6. electron
  7. nucleus
  8. charge
  9. positive
  10. negative

A few of the words from this spelling list can be used as adjectives:

	national	steep		postive

	negative	recreational
The last example was a modified version of a word from the list. The suffix -al was added to recreation to make it an adjective. The word recreation is normally used as a noun, but adding -al changes it into an adjective.

In fact, there are other nouns which can be changed into adjectives by adding -al to them. Here are three examples:

	education		educational
	nutrition		nutritional
	graphic			graphical

Words like the, a, an, and some are all adjectives, but we will ignore these adjectives in this lesson and stick to just the descriptive adjectives. Descriptive adjectives are words like tall, mean, ugly, green, smelly, or heavy which give us descriptive information about the noun (or pronoun) which they apply to.

  The mean cat ate all the cat food.

  A mangy dog walked past our yard.

  My canary loves to eat slimey worms.

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