Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Six, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. bringing
  2. sitting
  3. writing
  4. running
  5. biting
  6. stinging
  7. biking
  8. national
  9. recreation
  10. hiking
  1. grade
  2. steep
  3. atom
  4. proton
  5. neutron
  6. electron
  7. nucleus
  8. charge
  9. positive
  10. negative
The ing Letter Pattern

This list contains several words with the -ing letter pattern. Here are some more words with the -ing letter pattern:

	jumping		string		fling

	cling		being		thinking

	ring		doing		singing

The -ing letter pattern most often appears at the end of a word. Words such as singing, bringing, and stinging are usual since the end with -inging.

Another letter pattern which appears several times in this list is the -on letter pattern. Here are some more words which contain the -on letter pattern:

	position	contain		song

	only		ton		tone

As you can see the -on letter pattern can appear at any part of a word.

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