Language Arts Grade Five
Unit Six, Lesson One: Letter Patterns
- bringing
- sitting
- writing
- running
- biting
- stinging
- biking
- national
- recreation
- hiking
- grade
- steep
- atom
- proton
- neutron
- electron
- nucleus
- charge
- positive
- negative
The ing Letter Pattern
This list contains several words with the -ing letter pattern.
Here are some more words with the -ing letter pattern:
jumping string fling
cling being thinking
ring doing singing
The -ing letter pattern most often appears at the end of a word. Words such
as singing, bringing, and stinging are usual since the end with -inging.
Another letter pattern which appears several times in this list is the -on
letter pattern. Here are some more words which contain the -on letter
position contain song
only ton tone
As you can see the -on letter pattern can appear at any part of a word.
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