Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Five, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. chicken
  2. check
  3. rich
  4. peach
  5. chase
  6. cheek
  7. shore
  8. depth
  9. ferry
  10. crystal
  1. clear
  2. Mercury
  3. Venus
  4. Earth
  5. Mars
  6. Saturn
  7. Jupiter
  8. Neptune
  9. Uranus
  10. Pluto
Letter Patterns

Obviously this list contains some names of planets. It is important to point out that names of planets are proper nouns. As such, planet names must be capitalized.

	Mercury		Venus			Earth

	Mars		Saturn			Jupiter

	Neptune		Uranus			Pluto

Several of the words in this list contain words within them. Here are at least some of these:

	chicken		shore		clear

	Earth		Saturn		Neptune

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