Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Five, Lesson Four: Compound Words

  1. chicken
  2. check
  3. rich
  4. peach
  5. chase
  6. cheek
  7. shore
  8. depth
  9. ferry
  10. crystal
  1. clear
  2. Mercury
  3. Venus
  4. Earth
  5. Mars
  6. Saturn
  7. Jupiter
  8. Neptune
  9. Uranus
  10. Pluto
Compound Words

Compound words are formed when two or more words are put together.

	jelly + roll = jellyroll
	sun + shine = sunshine
	sea + shore = seashore
	south + east = southeast
	cow + boy = cowboy
	home + sick = homesick
	living + room = livingroom

Here are some more compound words:

	railroad	outside		motorcycle

	nationwide	breakfast	everything	


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