Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Four, Lesson Two: Adding -ED

  1. string
  2. struggle
  3. strange
  4. stripe
  5. straight
  6. stroll
  7. entertainment
  8. southern
  9. buildings
  10. electricity
  1. energy
  2. community
  3. casinos
  4. temperature
  5. sunshine
  6. clouds
  7. storm
  8. system
  9. weather
  10. climate
Adding -ED

Sometimes adding -ed requires a little work. Take a look at these examples:

	  study			studied
	  hike			hiked
	  rip			ripped
As you can see, there are three different ways to add -ed for these words.

	CASE ONE: study + ed = studied
		RULE: change the y to i and add -ed
		OTHER EXAMPLES: try/tried, fry/fried

	CASE TWO: hike + ed = hiked
		RULE: drop the e and add -ed
		OTHER EXAMPLES: squeeze/squeezed, organize/organized

	CASE THREE: rip + ed = ripped
		RULE: double the ending consonant and add -ed
		OTHER EXAMPLES: clip/clipped, slap/slapped, drag/dragged

There are also some verbs to which you don't add -ed. For instance, the word run doesn't become "runned", instead it becomes ran. This is an example of an irregular verb.

Other irregular verbs:

	ride/rode, read/read, dig/dug, drink/drank.

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