Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Four, Lesson Five: Unit Review

  1. string
  2. struggle
  3. strange
  4. stripe
  5. straight
  6. stroll
  7. entertainment
  8. southern
  9. buildings
  10. electricity
  1. energy
  2. community
  3. casinos
  4. temperature
  5. sunshine
  6. clouds
  7. storm
  8. system
  9. weather
  10. climate
Unit Review

This unit contains several words which contain the str letter pattern:

	string		struggle		strange

	stripe		straight		stroll
Another letter pattern which is used a lot in this list is the -er letter pattern:
	entertainment		southern	energy

	temperature		weather

Adding -ED

There are four (or five) basic ways to add -ed to the end of a word:

	CASE ONE: study + ed = studied
		RULE: change the y to i and add -ed
		OTHER EXAMPLES: try/tried, fry/fried

	CASE TWO: hike + ed = hiked
		RULE: drop the e and add -ed
		OTHER EXAMPLES: squeeze/squeezed, organize/organized

	CASE THREE: rip + ed = ripped
		RULE: double the ending consonant and add -ed
		OTHER EXAMPLES: clip/clipped, slap/slapped, drag/dragged

	CASE FOUR: walk + ed = walked
		RULE: just add -ed
		OTHER EXAMPLES: talk/talked, stroll/strolled, jump/jumped

	CASE FIVE: irregular verbs such as swim/swam
		RULE: individual cases without a rule
		OTHER EXAMPLES: run/ran, dig/dug, ride/rode, drink/drunk

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