Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Four, Lesson Four: Root Words

  1. string
  2. struggle
  3. strange
  4. stripe
  5. straight
  6. stroll
  7. entertainment
  8. southern
  9. buildings
  10. electricity
  1. energy
  2. community
  3. casinos
  4. temperature
  5. sunshine
  6. clouds
  7. storm
  8. system
  9. weather
  10. climate
Root Words

Take a look at the following list of words:

	mismatch		decode		recheck

	rematch			derail		distrust

	rearrange		unusual		reteach
Each of these words have prefixes (an affix at the front of the word).

If you get rid of the prefix, you have the root word. Here are the words from above stripped of their affixes.

	match			code		check

	match			rail		trust

	arrange			usual		teach

These are the root words of the words shown in the first list.

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