Language Arts Grade Five
Unit Four, Lesson Two: Adding -ED
- string
- struggle
- strange
- stripe
- straight
- stroll
- entertainment
- southern
- buildings
- electricity
- energy
- community
- casinos
- temperature
- sunshine
- clouds
- storm
- system
- weather
- climate
Adding -ED
Adding -ed to a verb changes a present tense verb into a past tense verb.
Here are a few examples:
walk walked
jump jumped
fuss fussed
play played
stroll strolled
entertain entertained
For many verbs adding -ed is as easy as just adding -ed to the end of the
word as is the case for the examples shown above. Here are a few of these
words used in sentences:
The clown entertained the children at the party.
We strolled through the park yesterday afternoon.
They walked around the block seven times.
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