Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Four, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. string
  2. struggle
  3. strange
  4. stripe
  5. straight
  6. stroll
  7. entertainment
  8. southern
  9. buildings
  10. electricity
  1. energy
  2. community
  3. casinos
  4. temperature
  5. sunshine
  6. clouds
  7. storm
  8. system
  9. weather
  10. climate
The str Letter Pattern

This list contains several words with the str letter pattern. Here are some more words with the str letter pattern:

	strength		strape		strum

	strike			straw		stroke

Another letter pattern that appears a few times in this list is the -er letter pattern. Here are a few more words which contain the -er letter pattern.

	error		there		camera

	computer	serve		operate

The -er letter pattern is found most often in the middle or end of a word.

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