Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Three, Lesson Five: Review Lesson

  1. think
  2. plank
  3. thank
  4. blank
  5. dunk
  6. chlorine
  7. oxygen
  8. nitrogen
  9. carbon
  10. helium
  1. hydrogen
  2. vapor
  3. mountains
  4. valleys
  5. desert
  6. great
  7. basin
  8. plateau
  9. canyon
  10. plate
The nk Letter Pattern

The most common letter pattern in this spelling list is -nk. Here are the words from the list which contain this letter pattern:

	think		plank		thank	

	blank		dunk		

Three words from this list end with -gen. They all name elements.

	nitrogen	oxygen		hydrogen

Adding -ing

There are three rules to follow when adding -ing to the end of a verb.

Rule 1: Just add -ing.
	EXAMPLES: speaking, playing, spelling.

Rule 2: Drop the e and add -ing.
	EXAMPLES: writing, hiking, dining.

Rule 3: Double the last letter and add -ing.
	EXAMPLES: hitting, swimming, batting.

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