Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Two, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. please
  2. place
  3. pleasant
  4. plural
  5. purple
  6. ripple
  7. evaporate
  8. steam
  9. ocean
  10. stream
  1. sea
  2. lake
  3. river
  4. freeze
  5. north
  6. south
  7. east
  8. west
  9. central
  10. region
Letter Patterns

Only three words from this list do not contain an e:

	plural		north		south

The st letter pattern shows up in this list several times:

	steam		stream		east


There are a couple of slightly unusual letter patterns in a couple of the words in this list.


Evaporate is slightly unusual since it has an alternating vowel-consonant pattern. In fact, it's overall pattern is v-c-v-c-v-c-v-c-v (where v stands for vowel and c stands for consonant).


The word freeze has more e's than any other word on the list and it is also the only word on the list which contains a z.

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