Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Two, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. please
  2. place
  3. pleasant
  4. plural
  5. purple
  6. ripple
  7. evaporate
  8. steam
  9. ocean
  10. stream
  1. sea
  2. lake
  3. river
  4. freeze
  5. north
  6. south
  7. east
  8. west
  9. central
  10. region
The pl Letter Pattern

This list contains several words with the pl letter pattern. Here are some more words with the pl letter pattern:

	plastic		plank		plan

	plate		ploy		pluck

	plaster		plume		pliers

	plot		plow		plunger

Another letter pattern which appears several times is the -ea letter pattern. Here are a few more words with the -ea letter pattern which are not in the list.

	feather		leather		weather

	leash		feast		yeast

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