Language Arts Grade Five

Unit One, Lesson Five: Review

  1. praise
  2. impress
  3. present
  4. proud
  5. pretend
  6. wetness
  7. supply
  8. liquid
  9. underground
  10. spring
  1. well
  2. aquifer
  3. bottle
  4. plumbing
  5. county
  6. state
  7. mining
  8. lonely
  9. highway
  10. road

Simple Nouns

Simple nouns are words for persons, places, or things. For instance, a highway is a thing. You can see and feel a highway. A bottle is also a thing you can see and hold. Other nouns which name objects that you can see and feel are: desk, chair, tree, house, book, pencil, sandwich, and camera.

Here are some sentences containing nouns from the list for this unit.

	The bottle fell and broke.

	The well was deep.

	There is a spring by the mountain.

	I drove down that road.


A syllable is a part of a word that is made up of one vowel sound. The word sound is in bold because sometimes two or more vowels work together to create a single vowel sound. For instance, the word syllable has three syllables (syl-la-ble).

Here are some words from the list divided into syllables:

	im-press		pre-sent		pre-tend	

	wet-ness		sup-ply			li-quid

	un-der-ground		a-qui-fer		bot-tle

	plumb-ing		coun-ty			mi-ning

	lone-ly			high-way
Contractions use an apostrophe to take the place of one or more letters.

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