Language Arts Grade Five
Unit One, Lesson Four: Syllables
- praise
- impress
- present
- proud
- pretend
- wetness
- supply
- liquid
- underground
- spring
- well
- aquifer
- bottle
- plumbing
- county
- state
- mining
- lonely
- highway
- road
Many of the words from this list have more than one syllable.
impress present pretend
wetness supply liquid
underground aquifer bottle
plumbing county mining
lonely highway
Two of these words actually have three syllables. Say the words to yourself
to figure out which of the words listed above have two and which have three
Here are these words divided into syllables.
im-press pre-sent pre-tend
wet-ness sup-ply li-quid
un-der-ground a-qui-fer bot-tle
plumb-ing coun-ty mi-ning
lone-ly high-way
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