Language Arts Grade Five

Unit One, Lesson Three: Nouns

  1. praise
  2. impress
  3. present
  4. proud
  5. pretend
  6. wetness
  7. supply
  8. liquid
  9. underground
  10. spring
  1. well
  2. aquifer
  3. bottle
  4. plumbing
  5. county
  6. state
  7. mining
  8. lonely
  9. highway
  10. road

Not all nouns name things you can touch or see. For instance consider these words (which are not on the spelling list):

	mind		belief		conscience

	preference	peace		wind

These are things we know exist, but which are not physical objects. For instance, someone may believe that they are a great athlete, and so they have a belief about themselves. This belief cannot be felt or seen (although it can be explained).

Three of these examples are used in sentences below:

	Jill finally made up her mind.

	Joe's belief in ghosts made him scared of the dark.

	His conscience made him feel bad about what he did.

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